Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cozy & Jay Leno

My big ragdoll kitty, Cozy, decided that she loved Jay Leno. She has taken to sitting on top of the television in my bedroom. Last night as I watched the news, she was settling in. Occasionally, I would see a leg or the tail droop down across the screen as she got comfortable. Finally she folded up like a loaf of bread with her tail wrapped around her.

Shortly, Jay Leno's Tonight Show started. Cozy peered down from the top of the television with her paws on the edge and her sylvester-like jowls of fur hanging over. She was enthralled with him and his jokes. But, it was when the headline segment started that she truly fell for him. She reached a chubby paw down over and over to caress his face as he talked. I suspect it may have been some of that animal hunting instinct surfacing and him being the only part of the screen that was moving. But we won't tell her that, she thinks she's human.

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